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Note: The Product and technical specifications in our Resources App and on our website are updated in real-time and are your best sources of current information. We continue to update our digital catalog on a yearly basis.

*Printed catalogs were discontinued in 2021

Technical Product Solutions

From the Well to the last Emitter - Rain Bird is the Only Manufacturer with End to End Solutions

Customer success stories

Rain Bird Customer Success Stories

Committed to the Success of Irrigation Professionals since 1933




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Tell Us Your Story!

How are sports fields, commercial sites, and communities in over 130 countries conserving water by using Rain Bird technology? Explore our Customer Success Stories to discover that water resource management is an integral element of unique and high-quality design and empowers projects to achieve noteworthy sustainability results. Be inspired and inspire other landscape professionals working towards the same goal, to save our most precious resource – Water.


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Online Irrigation Calculators

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