Roadways & Medians
Rain Bird has decades of experience providing irrigation solutions for roadways and medians. With the most innovative and specialized suite of products in the industry, you'll experience the intelligent use of water

Su Geçirmez Pencereler
Flagler, Jacksonville, Florida
Rain Bird® Retrofit on St. Augustine Roadway Yields Impressive Water Savings

Büyük/Karmaşık Projeler
Austin Shopping Center, Austin, Texas
An Upgraded Booster Pump Meets Variable Flow Demands with Energy-Saving Performance

Düşük Hacimli Sulama
Project Kayseray, City of Kayseri, Turkey
The City of Kayseri Uses Rain Bird® Solutions to Manage Irrigation of its Railway Green Spaces

Aşırı Sulamayı Yönetme
Parkhurst Homeowners’ Association (HOA), Fullerton, California
HOA Uses Rain Bird® Products to Water Neighborhood More Efficiently