General Rules for Rain Bird® Logo Usage

by Distributors and Other Rain Bird Customers


The Rain Bird name and logo are federally registered trademarks belonging exclusively to Rain Bird, and signify Rain Bird as the source of high quality products for the irrigation industry. As such, they symbolize the goodwill built up by Rain Bird over its more than ninety year history, and can instantly link you with its well-known and recognized reputation in the industry. Proper usage of the Rain Bird name and logo builds a positive and uniform image of your association with Rain Bird and its products.

Rain Bird encourages the use of our name and logo by our distributors and customers when promoting the sale of genuine Rain Bird products in advertising, catalogues, brochures, letterheads, business cards, newsletters, banners and posters. In order to ensure the correct usage of the Rain Bird name and logo, and to protect their value and distinctive nature, we have developed the following rules for using the Rain Bird name and logo:

  • The Rain Bird name and logo should not be modified or distorted in any way. The proportion of the bird symbol to the logotype should always remain the same. No one element should ever be increased or decreased in size without changing the other elements’ sizes accordingly. Distributors and customers are encouraged to use the Rain Bird name and logo, but are prohibited from using the diving bird logo (also a federally registered trademark belonging exclusively to Rain Bird) alone.
  • The name and logo should never be typeset manually since different software can sometimes provide different samples of one font type. Downloadable logo artwork files are available in various graphics formats by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
  • The name and logo should always appear complete, sharp, and undistorted. Do not redraw, trace, respace, or use successive stages or photocopies. Also, make sure the register mark ® is visible, flush with the baseline of the logo, and not removed or blocked out in any manner.
  • For proper visibility, no text, visual elements, or color shading shall encroach a free zone surrounding the logo that equals the height of the "N" in the Rain Bird logo.

Rain Bird Logo free space

  • The name and logo were designed as a one-color logo based on Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors. The colors in which the logo can appear are PMS 348 Green or Black (on a white or light neutral background), or reversed White (on a PMS 348 Green or Black background only). When building PMS 348 from process color use the following percentages: 100% Cyan, 85% Yellow, 24% Black. For RGB, use 0, 134, 81. For Hex, use #00843D.
  • Do not use the Rain Bird logo graphic in a sentence as a replacement for the words "Rain Bird." When referring to the company or Rain Bird brand products in a sentence, Rain Bird should appear as text.
  • When using the Rain Bird name in text without the Rain Bird symbol, the two words that make up the Rain Bird name must not be split onto two different lines. The first reference to the Rain Bird name in printed material must include the ® registered trademark symbol on the upper right side. Subsequent references within the same piece may omit the ® symbol. Do not include the ® registered trademark symbol when referring to the company name, i.e. Rain Bird Corporation.
  • The Rain Bird logo or name shall appear horizontal. Vertical or diagonal use is not permitted.
  • The Rain Bird logo or name shall not be larger than the customer’s name or logo (size is determined by the height of the lettering with respect to the height of the R or the B in the Rain Bird logo). It is important not to express or imply any endorsement by us of your products or services. Additionally, it is not permitted to use the Rain Bird name or logo in a manner that could confuse the source of any advertising.
  • The Rain Bird logo shall be prominently displayed, at least 50% the size of the customer’s logo. The Rain Bird logo should not be smaller than any competitor’s logo (size is determined by the height of the lettering with respect to the height of the R or the B in the Rain Bird logo).
  • Rain Bird reserves the right to inspect and approve all use of its name and logo before actual use by the distributor/customer.
  • The right to use the Rain Bird name and logo is restricted to use in connection with the promotion and sale of genuine Rain Bird products, and does not include any right, expressed or implied, to use the Rain Bird name or logo for any other purpose.
  • Rain Bird reserves the right to withhold funds and/or require immediate discontinuance of its use for any advertising that does not meet our requirements.


Logo Downloads