
2022 Smart Irrigation Grounds News

2022 Digital Catalog

NEW! 2022 Digital Landscape Irrigation Products Catalog

Now available! Check out the updated 2022 Digital Catalog for Landscape Irrigation Products — on the road, at the counter, or in your office.

2022 Digital Catalog

Did You Know? With the Rain Bird Resources App you can carry the 2022 digital catalog wherever you go!

Download the Rain Bird Resources App

Insights for Irrigation Professionals

From the Insights Archives:  [VIDEO] Water Saving Products

PRO TIP: Match the best products to solve challenges in landscape turf design, installation, and maintenance phases.

Watch this video from the Insights for Irrigation Professionals archives to learn more about water-efficient products for turf landscapes. This Insights qualifies for one IA CEU (use code IA04211-1K).

Watch Now

Tree Stories

What Do These Trees Share in Common?

"Wood" you believe it? Each has a featured episode in Season 1 of TREE STORIES.

Trees and humans have been connected for millennia — for food, shelter and the precious air we breathe. It’s important we protect their vital role in our ecosystem. Check out these incredible TREE STORIES to explore their history and learn more about their care.

"Branch Out" with TREE STORIES

5 Ways to Save

NEW: 5 Ways to Save Water

Responsible irrigation starts here. Are your customers ready to start saving water, time, and money? Rain Bird makes it easy with these 5 tips for responsible and sustainable irrigation. Get started today delivering smart irrigation solutions that will help your customers reduce water waste and meet long-term water resource goals.

Start Saving Now

Rain Bird Resources App Update

UPDATED: Rain Bird Resources App

All the features you requested — download TODAY!

These NEW features put the power of Rain Bird irrigation at your fingertips. Check out these updates: Quote ToolLive ChatRain Bird Rewards Favorite Products

Get the App

Januar/Februar 2021 Smart Irrigation Grounds News