Agriculture Irrigation Calculators

Precipitation Rate

1. Enter the sprinkler flow (gpm):
2. Enter the sprinkler spacing (ft):
3. Enter the lateral spacing (ft):


Precipitation Rate (in/hr) = 0in/hr
GPM per Acre = 0gpm

Required Sprinkler Flow (gpm)

1. Enter the sprinkler spacing (ft):
2. Enter the lateral spacing (ft):
3. Enter the average precipitation rate (in/hr):
Note: precipitation rate = gpm per acre / 454


Required Sprinkler Flow (gpm) = 0gpm
GPM per Acre = 0gpm per acre

Nozzle Discharge

1. Enter the sprinkler nozzle pressure (psi):
2. Enter the nozzle diameter, decimal (in):


Nozzle Discharge (gpm) = 0gpm
Note: Discharge Coefficient = .97

Nozzle Required Diameter (in)

1. Enter the required nozzle flow (gpm):
2. Enter the sprinkler nozzle pressure (psi):


Nozzle Required Diameter (in) = 0in
Note: Discharge Coefficient = .97

Lateral or Manifold Pipe Friction Loss

1. Enter the sprinkler or lateral output flow (gpm):

Note: Assumes fixed outlet flow.

2. Enter the number of sprinklers or laterals:
3. Enter the sprinkler or lateral spacing (ft):
4. Enter the pipe inner diameter (in):
5. Enter the pipe Hazen-Williams C value:
Note: PVC = 150, Aluminum w/ couplers = 120


Lateral or manifold pipe friction loss (psi) = 0psi
Total Flow = 0gpm
Max. vel. = 0fps

Lateral or Manifold Diameter (in)

1. Enter output flow of each sprinkler (gpm):
Note: Assumes fixed outlet flow.
2. Enter the number of sprinklers or laterals:
3. Enter the sprinkler or lateral spacing (ft):
4. Enter the pressure loss tolerance:
5. Enter the pipe Hazen-Williams C Value:
Note: PVC = 150, Aluminum w/ couplers = 120


Lateral or manifold pipe diameter (in) = 0in
Total Flow = 0 gpm
Max. vel. = 0 fps

Mainline Pipe Friction Loss (psi)

1. Enter the pipe flow (gpm):
2. Enter the pipe inner diameter (in):
3. Enter the pipe Hazen-Williams C value:
Note: PVC = 150, Aluminum w/ couplers = 120
4. Enter the pipe length (ft):


Mainline Pipe Friction Loss (psi) = 0psi
Pipe velocity = 0fps

Mainline Pipe Diameter (in)

1. Enter the pipe flow (gpm):
2. Enter the pipe length (ft):
3. Enter the pipe Hazen-Williams C value:
Note: PVC = 150, Aluminum w/ couplers = 120
4. Enter the pressure loss tolerance (psi):
Note: Pipe velocity over 5 fps will be alerted


Mainline Pipe Diameter (in) = 0in
Pipe velocity = 0fps

Pipe Velocity (fps)

1. Enter the pipe flow (gpm):
2. Enter the pipe inner diameter (in):


Pipe Velocity (fps) = 0fps

Pump Brake Horsepower Required (hp)

1. Enter the pipe flow (gpm):
2. Enter the pipe diameter (in):
3. Enter the pump efficiency (%):


Pump Brake Horsepower Required (hp) = 0hp
Total Head Pressure = 0psi

Water Hammer Surge Pressure - PVC pipe (psi)

1. Enter the pipeline sudden velocity change (fps):
Note: Assumes instantaneous valve closure
2. Enter the PVC pipe Standard Dimension Ratio:
(SDR Class100 = 41, Class125 = 32.5, Class160 = 26, Class200 = 21)


Water Hammer Surge Pressure - PVC pipe (psi) = 0psi
Surge wave velocity =0fps


Formulas and Conversions PDF

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