Root Booster STRIPS

Holds water exactly where plants need it – AT THE ROOTS.

Introducing Root Booster STRIPS, the underground water storage solution designed to enhance soil permeability. STRIPS are specifically crafted to be mixed into the soil near the roots and vegetation, providing exceptional support for irrigation, improving substrate permeability, and preventing compaction. Enjoy the benefits of a more aerated soil that ensures your plants receive the optimal supply of water and air they need to thrive. With their lightweight design, Root Booster STRIPS are the perfect choice for creating a healthier and more nourishing environment for your plants.


Water Stewardship
Assists with adapting to water restrictions in times of drought.
Use of this product is an approach to respect water restrictions while maintaining the health of plants, trees, and turf.  
Reduces water consumption considerably by transporting water directly to the roots without evaporation.
Higher survival rate
Helps plants and trees through the establishment period.
Environmentally conscious
With biodegradable and permanent options available.
Time Savings
Retains moisture extending watering intervals, so you may water half as often.
Consistent volume
Holds moisture in containers without swelling out of the space.
Root friendly
Roots grow freely around the product.
Easy to install
Light weight makes for easy transport.
Root Booster Strips are the ideal solution to improve soil permeability. Simply mix them close to the roots and vegetation to enhance irrigation and substrate permeability. These strips resist compaction and promote aeration, providing the optimal supply of water and air for your plants and pair well with Root Booster Net.


Package Size: 5 Gallon / 30 Gallon
Material: Available in BIO1 (Brown), BIO5 (White) and PRO (Grey)
Installation Information
Simply mix STRIPS into the soil. The following guidelines can be used:
For planters and containers--5-gallon bag of STRIPS is sufficient for use with up to 100 gallons of soil (ratio 1:20). Mix in more STRIPS for small pots, and a little less on a percentage basis for larger pots.
A 5-gallon bag of STRIPS will support 1 large tree or 2 smaller trees.
For use under turf on a lawn or sports field -- the 5-gallon bag will cover 200 - 400 ft², assuming you will have about 4 inches of soil.
As greater concentrations are recommended for green roofs, the 5-gallon bag will cover 100 - 200 ft² in this application.


Thickness 2.36 (in)
Length 2.76 (in)  
Width 0.47 (in)

Model Comparison

  • X21510    RBS-02-ST-05    Root Booster Strips BIO5 5GAL
  • X21511    RBS-02-ST-30    Root Booster Strips BIO5 30GAL
  • X21520    RBS-03-ST-05    Root Booster Strips PRO 5GAL
  • X21521    RBS-03-ST-30    Root Booster Strips PRO 30GAL
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