Why does my Rain Bird ESP-Me sprinkler timer run through all my stations, stop and then start watering all over again?

A common reason why a program is repeating is that you have a second start time set. The start times control the exact time your ESP-Me timer will begin to water and they also control how many times a day your timer will water. The ESP-Me allows you to set up to 6 start times per program.

To correct this please follow the steps below:

Step 1

If your sprinklers are running now, then first turn the dial to the off position. The timer should turn off the water now, if it doesn’t you may have a problem with one or all of your sprinkler valves. Please call 800-RAINBIRD or call your local professional irrigation contractor for assistance.

ESP-Me Dial Off

If the water shut off successfully, then you can easily correct the programming by following the steps below:

Step 2

Turn the dial to “Set Watering Start Times”.

ESP-Me set station run times

Step 3

You will see the 1st start time for Program A. Press the right or the left arrows to toggle between start times and find one of the other start times to turn off.

First start time

Step 4

Press the + or – buttons to change the time setting. To turn the start time to “OFF” you will find it between “11:45pm and 12:00am”.

Second start time

Step 5

Leave the time on off.

Second start time off

Step 6

Repeat steps 3, 4 & 5, check all 6 start times and turn off all of the unnecessary start times.

Step 7

Turn the dial back to “Auto Run”.

ESP-ME AutoRun

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