Canje por efectivo

Rellene el siguiente formulario si desea recibir un cheque bancario estándar por sus puntos.

Para recibir un cheque rellene la siguiente información y verifique que está autorizado para hacer esta solicitud en nombre de su empresa. Su cheque no se procesará sin completar toda la información que figura a continuación. En la medida en que lo exija la ley, los participantes recibirán un formulario 1099 del IRS por el valor de los puntos canjeados por un cheque. Los cheques solo pueden hacerse a nombre de la empresa. Los cheques de Rain Bird tienen un monto mínimo de canje de 500 puntos o USD 20,00.

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When you check "I Agree", you allow Rain Bird Corporation and the companies that it owns or controls to collect, store, and use some information, including the Personal Information (PI) above, so you can receive information, services, products, or other benefits from Rain Bird. We may give this PI to other companies that help us, such as the ones that provide our data servers. In Rain Bird’s Privacy Policy, you can learn more about how we handle your personal data and what rights you have over it. When you check “I Agree,” you also accept all the terms of Rain Bird’s Privacy Policy. If you change your mind and want to stop us from using this PI, you can withdraw your permission and ask Rain Bird to erase this PI by following the steps in Rain Bird’s Privacy Policy ( Please note that withdrawing your permission may affect and/or reduce some or all the information, services, product features, or other benefits from Rain Bird, if the PI is needed for such--